
Welcome to Jesus’ Children Church! My name is Esther Yun. I am a children minister. This website is opened to everyone. I hope that my website can bring joy to children. Our mission is that all children can experience the unconditional love of God, learn from His word, and understand Jesus’ power. Please visit, we have so much to share. God bless you, all.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.

About Me

Logo design by Grace Yun
Administrator Esther Yun
Jesus Children Church
  • California, USA
  • Web Designer : Esther Yun
  • EMAIL :

Hwa Sook Lee-Yun (Esther)
  • Grace Church Children Minister
  • Master of Arts – Educational Leadership at Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention
  • Bachelor of Arts – Biblical Studies at Evangelia University
  • Montessori Teaching Certificate – National University

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